Character Standard:
大陆 (Simplified)
香港 (Traditional)
台湾 (Traditional)
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Handwriting Practice
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Handwriting Practice
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Handwriting Practice
Handwriting practice is the proven and most widely used approach to learn and memorize Chinese characters and words. As an alternaive to writing on paper, this tool allows you to practice your Chinese handwriting on your personal mobile devices using your finger or on your desktop using a mouse. Powered by a sophisticated proprietary handwriting recognition technology, the system can adaptively provide instant feeback to help you write Chinese characters in the proper form and learn the order in which characters’ various component parts should be written. Read the instructions at the end of this page before you start to practice writing online.
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Find a vocab list your teacher created by entering the list name into the search box and hit the
button. Click one of the search results to load the list. You can also load a pre-made vocab list or load a list created by yourself. The lists created by yourself are shown in the
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Move your finger or mouse to the writing grid and press to write. If you do not know what the next stroke is,
tap or click
the queston mark button to show the hint. The system will show the stroke animation of next stroke and read the name of the stroke to you.
When all the strokes of the character are written, the system plays the recording of the character. If the written character is the last character of the word you are practicing and you are logged in, the pronunciation of the word will be played.
If you want to write the character again, simply
tap or click
the written character. The system will clear the writing pad.
After all the strokes of a characters are written,
swipe left
using your finger or mouse on the writing grid to write next character of the word or next word in the list
Swipe right
using your finger or mouse on a written character to write the previous character.
You do not have to trace the strokes. For example, you can write a short stroke as a long stroke and the long stroke can be drawn anywhere on the writing grid. The system will provide you the feedback and correct it for you.
Tap or click
the Vote-down button if the character is new to you and you want to study and practice it more.
Tap or click
the Vote-up button if you know this character. The system will move on to the next character or word.
You can vote up or down before or after you write the character.
When there are no characters in the list to practice, the system shows the time you spent and you can select to practice the characters or words you voted down or practice the entire vocab list again.